Summer Home for Pet Rats 

Our beloved female pet rats, Sensei Splinter and Coco Chanel, are seeking a summer sublet, beginning June 29th. 

Provided: metal cage, about 3'x2'x2', crate for playing, shredded paper for cage lining and food as needed. 

Personality: if you haven't met them yet, they have an incredible capacity for cuddling and licking their human visitors, who they just love hanging out with whenever the humans have time for them.

We need help finding a caring home for the summer (or a few summer sublets back to back), where food and fresh water can be made available consistently, and an overall rat-friendly environment (some anti-cat bias is natural).

Please contact Sammi at 646-221-8164 or in Room 521 if you or someone you know are able to help house these friendly faces for a couple of weeks or a whole summer! 

Thank you,
Sammi Weissman
8th & 10th Grade Science Teacher


Volunteering at ICE  

 The more we give, the happier we feel. Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity.
Below is the list of positions for 2018-2019 we are hoping to fill before we break for summer: if you see something that fits you perfectly click the respective link and give us your information (each link is different but you can sign up for more than one position).

ICE 5k RUN WALK – Sept 22nd (30 volunteers)

Prepare & Hand Out Goodie Bags; Course Marshalls; Check-In; Timing; Direct Guests to the Race Entrance

PTA Directory Coordinator - (1-2 volunteers) August, September & February, online only

  1. The person in charge of this would work with the Advisory Parents and Grade Reps to update the family contact information,
  2. Add incoming families to the directory, distribute directory to the ICE community.
  3. Work on own schedule

Special Announcements Coordinator - (1 volunteer) 1-2 hrs per week, online only

  1. Special Announcements are sent to the ICE Community as-needed from the Staff
  2. Special announcements promoting events are scheduled in advance
  3. Use MailChimp marketing tool but if you are familiar with other marketing tools you will be good to go.
  4. Work on own schedule

MerchandICE Sale Coordinator - (1 volunteer) 1-2 hrs monthly at PTA/ICE Events

  1. Maintain inventory of ICE merchandise
  2. Reorder merchandise when necessary
  3. Gather volunteers to help sell merchandise at PTA or school events

Interested in being part of the team MerchandICE Team Member

  1. Sell merchandICE at an event

Volunteer Coordinator (1 volunteer) online only

  1. Assist committee chairpersons with obtaining volunteers for their events
  2. Maintain comprehensive and dynamic (meaning updated regularly) list of volunteers and activity.
  3. Regularly review list to ensure we have enough volunteers for each activity.
  4. Keep volunteers informed regarding the work that is required and the timeframe. 
  5. Work on own schedule

Teacher Staff Holiday Gift Coordinator (1 volunteer) November - December, online Organize and manage monetary gifts from parents to teachers & staff

  1. Organize Grade Reps & Advisory parents on collecting monetary gifts
  2. With the help of Grade Reps, Advisory parents & volunteers: count, divide and distribute monetary gifts; write up cards & stuff envelopes
  3. Work on own schedule except for 1 evening for counting with the team & distribution at the holiday party

Holiday Celebration Coordinator (1 volunteer) November – December online

  1. Organize the Annual ICE Holiday Celebration
  2. Organize food donations, decorations & volunteers and music/entertainment
  3. Work on own schedule online except for day of

PTA Spanish Language Translator (1-3 Spanish Speakers/volunteer) online only

  1. Translate the weekly newsletter
  2. Upload translation to the Spanish page
  3. Work with a team taking turns with translation

Presentation Committee (1-2 volunteers) online & day of meeting

  1. Organize monthly topics & speakers for PTA meeting
  2. There are 8 meetings (no meeting in Dec & normally no presentations in June)
  3. Work along with Grade Reps & Advisory Parents to prepare room for meeting & provide snacks
  4. Each grade is assigned a month when they host (set up/clean up and provide donated snacks)
  5. Work on own schedule except day of meetings

 Town Meeting Scribe (1-3 volunteers) weekly meetings

  1. Attend Town Meeting (Wednesdays at 10:50am - 11:39am) to take minutes  
  2. Prepare the minutes for distribution to parents via MailChimp. 
  3. Several parents take turns attending Town Meeting. The number of times you are attending meetings depends on the amount of volunteers and their availability

Graphic Artists (2 volunteers) online only

  1. Help the PTA publicize events and activities by creating flyers, posters, and other visual materials
  2. Work on own schedule

 Treasurers-in-Training (2 volunteers)

  1. Learn the ropes, little by little over the course of the coming school year. We will show you everything you need to know.
  2. This is a shared role that is why we need 2 parents. (join with a friend)
  1. These persons should have two hours a week to come to school during school hours.
  2. Everything else can happen at home, online using QuickBooks and PayPal.

 Spring Fling Chairperson (1 volunteer) September -May
Manage, oversee, check-in on the team, not do themselves; manage timeline
Spring Fling Team Coordinators: work on own schedule, attend periodic meetings, attend event

  1. SF Soliciting Coordinator (1 volunteer), Sept-May, online – oversee the donations team, work with bidding for good, etc.
  2. SF Communications Coordinator (1 volunteer) Sept-May, online – communicate with community about event (monthly, weekly), work with graphic artists on graphics
    1. Outreach Coordinator (1 volunteer) April – May, online – touch base with new 6th grade families; alumni, etc.
  3. SF Raffle Coordinator (1 volunteer) November – May – organize raffles
  4. SF Wine Pull Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May – solicit wine donations, organize wine pull raffle
  5. SF Food & Drink Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May – reach out to past donors of food/drinks
  6. SF Decorating Coordinator (1 volunteer) April - May – Set up/clean up; layout space, etc.
  7. SF Entertainment Coordinator (1 volunteer) March – May – organize the entertainment, music, PA system, projector, etc.

If you have questions about volunteering EMAIL US or attend the June 13th PTA Meeting at 6pm Rm 518
We are looking forward to our time together – we promise it won’t be dull!

Support All the ICE Programs by Buying Tickets for 2 Experiential Auction Items 

Did you know that programs like our internationally recognized music program are fully funded by your donations? In fact, we were informed that only 10% of public schools have one band - we have more than 4 and students performed in over 22 concert opportunities this year alone in venues like Symphony Space and Rockwood Music Hall! 

Please consider buying into one or both of these great events to help our children sing, build, write, see and experience more wonderful things to come. 

            1.         Send 13 lucky lucky ICE kids to the Yankees vs. Tampa Bay game on June 16th with Mark and Wali! Each ticket costs $100 and will be a thrilling experience for your budding athletes. 
            2.         Want a chance to share your ideas and ask questions of Pete and Mark in a relaxed and enjoyable setting away from ICE? Buy tickets to a Cocktail Party with Pete & Mark hosted by Imebet and Lisa on June 16th. Not only will you enjoy a sense of camaraderie, but all the children’s educational programs will benefit financially. Tickets are $100


On the payment page scroll down to the ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION section (include your name & your student's name; in addition to student's class add YANKEES GAME or COCKTAIL PARTY on the respective lines then click the DONATE button

Young Playwrights Summer Program

This has just come in, very last minute, but deadline is not until June 20 and it's FREE!

Apply to study playwriting this summer in TDF's Young Playwrights Summer Program. 
In working with award-winning playwright Crystal Skillman, we will be exploring political and personal beliefs in playwriting. The program will last two weeks for three hours a day, and it will also feature guest artists and a trip to a new play. Students will work individually and in teams, with a final presentation on the last day of the intensive. 

Who is eligible: HS students grade 9-12 who are interested in learning the craft of playwriting and creating their own plays. Students must have well developed writing skills, and an interest in playwriting along with a recommendation from a teaching artist or English teacher. Team spirit, commitment and enthusiasm are important qualities for this program. 

What is the Young Playwrights Summer Program: 

  • Playwriting workshops five days a week, for two weeks, with independent and group writing done on your own
  • Attend a Broadway show—for study & inspiration 
  • Small group seminars with professional playwrights and artists about creative process and craft 
  • Write (and rewrite) a ten-minute original play 
  • Professional actors read student plays 
  • Final work given a staged reading by professional actors 
  • Snacks and Metro Cards are provided 

When is the Young Playwrights Summer Program: 

  • June 25-29, July 2,3,5,6 
  • 1-4 pm M-F (except the 4th of July), 1-7pm July 6 
  • Final presentation 5-7pm on July 6 

Where: TDF offices: 520 8th Avenue Suite 801 NY, NY 10018

Final performances presented at an off-Broadway theater TBD

How do I apply: Admission to the TDF Summer Playwriting Intensive is by application and teacher recommendation. 


Natalie Mack has offered to help. See her if you are applying.


Should Schools be Closed or Turned into Charter Schools if Students Opt Out???

The State Education department has proposed new super punitive regulations to address schools who do not meet the federal 95% testing participation threshold. The regulations are flawed in a number of ways, but one of the most egregious is that they assign more penalties to Title 1 (high poverty) schools. From the NYC Public School Parents blog: These regulations violate assurances that were given parents that NYSED would continue to respect their rights to opt their children out of the state exams.  Instead the regulationss would allow the Commissioner to wrongly identify their children's schools in need of "Comprehensive Support," withhold Title One funds and even close these schools or turn them into charters if the opt out rates were judged too high.  Complete text here.

The Regents will be discussing these regs at their meeting on Monday.  Please consider contacting Commissioner Elia or your Regents member to make your voices heard.   You can also submit comments through July 9 here.   


11th Grade ELA Regents Exam  

On Tuesday, June 12th at 9 am (first day of Regents Week), all 11th Grade students at ICE will take the ELA Regents Exam.

Though ICE is in a consortium of schools with a waiver from the Regents Board, consortium schools have always had to administer the ELA Regents Only.

Here is some info about it:
-This is the only Regents Exam ICE students ever take (state law, even for consortium schools)
-If a student doesn't pass, s/he will have three more chances to try again at no penalty
-Our kids always do REALLY well the first time around
--If students want to study, practice exams can be found at NYS ED Regents

Panelists are needed for 10th Grade & 8th Grade Presentations Please Sign Up Below!!

Students prepare long and hard for these presentations; part of their reward is explaining the complexities of their research to an attentive audience.
This is where you come in! You do not need to be an expert in the field of the particular presentation: a specific rubric for evaluation will be handed to you at the start of the panel and you will be able to both record your individual input as well as hear the other panelists’ input at the end. Your feedback helps improve students’ projects!

6th Grade Roundtable - June 19
8th Grade PBATs - June 12-14 & June 18
10G Humanities Social Justice - June 11 & 12
10G Spanish Panels - June 13 (Spanish Speakers)
10G Science Soap Project - June 14
11G History Panels (Round 2 & 3) - June 18 & June 21
11G Neuroscience Presentation (Round 2) June 22

This is also a great occasion to see the teachers in action: since they participate in the evaluation panel, you get to experience the high standards that they hold our students to first-hand! Incoming parents will find the PBAT’s quite enlightening in terms of what lies ahead for their children’s education. I know I did. Attending the PBAT’s confirmed for me that the learning that happens at ICE is what I definitely want for my children.

Thank you!!
Betty, 6th Grade Parent

Panelist Sign-Up for I.C.E. PBATs & Presentations

ICE End-of-Year Schedule

Dear ICE Families,
At ICE, June is always a busy month with many schedule changes due to presentations and the culmination of our courses.  Please see the June schedule for all grades.  Please reach out to advisors with any questions.

To view and download a copy of the schedule click YEAR END SCHEDULE OR visit the ICE Website.

Let’s have a great end to the year!  Thanks to all.
ICE Staff

Schedule for this week and the end of the year

Dear ICE Families,

 On Thursday, June 7th, all ICE students will be dismissed after 6th period at 1:19 pm (though middle school after school program will continue as usual until 6 pm).  We also have no school on Friday, June 8th for a city-wide professional development day for teachers.

At ICE, June is always a busy month with many schedule changes due to presentations and the culmination of our courses.  Please see the June schedule for all grades attached.  Please reach out to advisors with any questions.

Let’s have a great end to the year!  Thanks to all.

ICE Staff

End of the Year I.C.E. Schedule for All Grades

DOE Summer Meals Program Begins June 27th 

As part of the DOE's commitment to ensure that all children have access to nutritious meals over the summer break, DOE Summer Meals Program will begin on June 27, 2018 - the day after the school year end. Summer Meals are available to all children 18 years old and under at hundreds of public schools, community pool centers, and other locations around the city; no registration, documentation, or ID is required to receive a free breakfast or lunch. 
This program will be offered weekdays from Wednesday, June 27, to Friday, August 31 (except July 4th and August 21st). Although the hours may vary by location, breakfast is typically served from 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m., and lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. All DOE summer feeding sites will have posters outside indicating the hours specific to that building. We have also placed advertisements to promote the program in subways and buses citywide.
For additional information on feeding locations, please visit: School Food NYC Summer   
This list will be updated every Friday until the start of the Summer Meals Program, when the updates will be daily and the site search will be active.

Division of Family and Community Engagement
NYC Department of Education

11G Neuroscience Exhibition & Presentation is Wednesday June 6th - Sign Up to be a Panelist

11G Neuroscience Exhibition & Presentation is Wednesday June 6th - Sign Up to be a Panelist

At ICE we believe that Performance Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) and project-based Interim Assessments (IAs) are authentic and meaningful ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of content, skills, and metacognitive thinking. The PBATs and  IA presentations showcase student learning at many points along an ICE student's education, occurring throughout the 6-12th grades. For these assessments, we value the role of external evaluators (YOU!) to help create an authentic environment for assessment of our students’ understanding and invite you to join our faculty and student peers in assessing students’ abilities to present, explain and defend their academic work.

Participation does not require prior content knowledge on your part (with the exception of the 10th grade Spanish Graduation Requirement), and clear directions will be provided to all evaluators. An ICE teacher will also be with you to help guide the process.  Please click on the link below, browse the presentation events listed,  and sign up based upon your interest and availability.  

There are NO limits to the number of PBATs or  presentations that a parent may sit on!

Panelist Sign-Up for I.C.E. PBATs & Presentations

ICE Partners with UrbanGlass

ICE is now a Partner School with UrbanGlass. What is UrbanGlass? 

UrbanGlass is an open-access facility where over 380 professional artists and designers create using glass. Our facility fosters community and serves as an incubator for creation and innovation. Visit the website for more information.

What does this mean? 
All students, staff, faculty, employees, and alumni (within 3 years) of the Institute for Collaborative Education are eligible for 50% off summer classes and programs, with more offers to come in the Fall. 

How do I take advantage of this offer?
Look at the summer offerings and be ready with a couple of options that interest you.
Fill out the website form and select "Youth Partner Scholarship" from the Type of Scholarship drop down menu. Then fill in Institute for Collaborative Education as the Partner Institution.

They will be in touch with you.
Contact Lisa if you have questions.